Saturday, July 13, 2013

Unrequited Love, The Ground Ivy Story

It’s a typical love story: Nemesis and me. I belong to Her and She to me. Even though I’ve been most cruelly rebuffed, I will not stop, for to be in her garden is the highest honor. My name is Glechoma Hederacea, but you can call me Charlie. I am totally enamored by the beauty of Nemesis. I guess I said that before. If you expect a photo of me here you'll be sorely disappointed.
Garden of Nemesis 2008

 I love the Goddess’s grass, Her strawberry beds, Her flowers. I’m the perfect companion plant. Give me too much shade and I’ll scoot across the top of others if I have to. I wrap the arms of my runners, some over thirty feet, around, under, over and through. I’m a survivor and I’m here to stay.
Garden of Nemesis 2012
That Caretaker person in the Garden of Nemesis keeps chasing me off before I can even prove my value. She doesn’t want me here and calls me an eyesore and accuses me of murdering other plants by my aggression. Whatever. Maybe I am a little too available.

Sunflowers 2012

It’s in my nature to be smothering and controlling, after all, I’m a Mint and us Mints don’t screw around. Still, the Caretaker has the unmitigated gall to call me CREEPY! Can I help it if I have to sneak around just to say around? As a proud member of the Mint Family, I trace my roots back to the dawn of time. When my ancestors were created, we Mints were given the power to heal people like that Caretaker! When she gets sick, you watch, I’ll be one of the first she calls. I’m just lucky she doesn’t use toxins, or I may have been poisoned by now.

She thinks the stupid grass is so great, why it doesn’t even flower! In comparison, I produce dainty purple flowers every spring. I have a fresh fragrance. I am handsome in my own way. If she ever tasted me…well, she’d cherish and respect me. Instead, she works daily to eradicate me.
Russian Sage 2012

My country cousins have invited me to their rural habitat where I can be largely ignored and flourish uninhibited; I won’t leave. I was here before The Garden of Nemesis and its Caretaker and I will be here long after they are both gone. To resist old Charlie is futile. 

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