Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fairy Ring

On my catnip harvesting run through the neighborhood this morning I saw these mushrooms growing in a neighbor’s yard. Ah, the wonders of Nature.

“Fairy rings were thought to be caused by fairies who danced the night away. When they became tired and wanted a place to rest, they went to the fairy king and asked for something to sit on, and he gave them mushrooms for seats.”

Read more :

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tea Tree 16-18 Ounce Loaves

 These are the beautiful botanical colors for the tea tree loaves I made this week. Beginning in the upper left, the first row going down is: parsley, turmeric and alkanet root. Second row: indigo, safflower and madder root. The upper right is beet root (light tan) and the lower right is paprika. Depending upon how much plant material is added, the colors can be deep or pastel.

I hope customers enjoy the new Spartan Line and see the value (25% savings) of cutting their own bars.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Freezing Strawberries and Making Tea Tree Loaves

Borage Flowers and Tincture

Every day I wake up and long to make soap. I should make soap to replace what is flying off the shelves. Then I remember the strawberries, which are ripening faster than I can pick, clean and freeze. The abundant rain has brought not only the beautiful flowers, fruits, vegetable and herbs, but an aggressive lot of weeds. (I use the term “weed” loosely, as these are the very plants I’m in the process of wildcrafting for soaps and my medicine cabinet). A more accurate description of a weed is any plant growing where I don’t want it! There’s a bunch of them this year, as everything, and I mean everything, is germinating. On top of that, it’s very hard for me to choose what to let grow and what to compost. I allowed a big patch of volunteer borage to grow in the vegetable garden proper, and now I remember the potatoes that were planted amongst them that I imagine are having trouble seeing daylight.

Borage is one of the most beautiful plants around. It’s great in salads and for a quick snack as I pass by; its furry leaves taste like fresh cucumbers. It also makes a tincture that actually tastes good and is a tonic for many ills.
June Berries
I did get out one fine morning to pick burdock, which is the bane of all farmers. Fortunately, it’s very hard to destroy and contains many medicinal properties for tincture. I was feeling a little under the weather, so I made some tea with it, which was energizing but really bitter tasting. Amongst the flurry of weeding and wildcrafting, there are the strawberries, which wait for no man (or woman!) They must be picked at least once a day, washed, stemmed and frozen on cookie sheets before placing into freezer bags. I’ll be happy in January when I eat them on my oatmeal or retrieve a bag for jam.

Berries in cake pan will be bagged and stored in freezer
BUT…I did find time to make Tea Tree Soap. It was really an excuse to experiment with botanicals for coloring. I used indigo for blue, a wonderful natural coloring that has been used forever for denim dye.

Tea Tree Loaf with Indigo color
Madder root makes a pretty red.
Tea Tree Soap Loaf with Madder Root
Safflower makes a lovely yellow soap.
Tea Tree Loaf with Safflower powder
Alkanet is supposed to create a purple color, but it looks more gray to me.

Tea Tree Loaf with Alkanet Root

All of these 1 pound loaves will eventually be offered (uncut) for sale at a bargain price of $15 each. The customer can cut it to whatever size bars they wish. Tea tree is a crisp, clean scent and is a healing essential oil that has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Tea tree oil soap can help beat body odor, clear up acne and other skin ailments by reducing bacteria and inflammation.
Clematis and Yellow Lilies by Swing
Do I have time to sit in the swing by the pond?
My Secret Place
I hear my secret place on the bench calling me to sit a spell and enjoy this little paradise here in the Garden of Nemesis.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Herb Preparations

This week, I refreshed my supply of plantain infused virgin olive oil. I use this in personal salves, lip gloss and lotions. Recently, I've been adding this to "Extravagance" soap, along with rosemary-infused oil. All the information you could possibly want is available on the internet: images, plant properties and preparations so you can make this yourself. I wish I had someone I could apprentice to, but I've had to I learn from books and the web. Probably the most profound and ironic thing I've learned is that the "weeds" we have been taught to eradicate are the very ones most helpful to our health. I found a nice patch of plantain along a neighbor's fence in my alley.
Then I harvested it.
Next comes washing.
Then drying, just enough to negate the washing. No need to completely dry.
I used the same jar that still had a little oil left from last year. I bruised the leaves and added them to the jar, covering them with olive oil. The jar will be turned upside down one day and right side up the next for six weeks. This process makes sure the fresh herb is always coated with oil. Some people set the jar in the sun to speed up the process, but my instincts tell me heat destroys vital constituents, so I take my time.
I also made a small jar of medicinal tincture for those winter months when fresh-picked is out of the question. This jar is also turned daily for six weeks. Tincture can also be purchased on the internet, but beware, it's very expensive!

I also harvested and set to dry catnip for stuffing little bags for indoor cats. If I harvest enough, I may put these for sale on

Sorry, I’ve no new soap pics for this week as haven’t had time to make even one batch of soap!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hooray! is Fully Operational

My sweet husband, the reluctant amateur webmaster, has informed me that is fully operational. Of course, we won’t know for sure until it is actually used to order soap. We’re hoping for your patience while we begin to fill orders and mail them out.

Lavender Citrus
Last week I made "Lavender Citrus". It has tapioca pearls for a gentle exfoliation.
Summer Soothe
 “Summer Soothe” is the only soap I made this week. Its cooling ingredients are specially formulated to soothe summer mishaps such as sunburn and insect bites.
Mr. Stinky
In the meantime, life in the Garden of Nemesis continues, a does the season. Mr. Stinky visits us early mornings and feasts on grubs. We take care not to surprise or upset him in any way while he’s having his breakfast.
I just love Spiderwort. I’ve had this plant for years and it has not gone to seed. Perhaps I need to help it along by harvesting its seeds and starting them in the house next spring.