Saturday, October 1, 2016

Kayaks and Butterflies

Houseplants going crazy
 What happened to the last three months? Well, making my creations for two farmer’s markets every week, drying herbs, canning produce, weeding, making salves and tinctures and jams and jellies and I won’t bore you with the rest! Every day was a fun adventure. Okay, not all of it was fun, but most of it was. That’s good enough for me.
July Garden
Mammoth Onions and Small Pumpkins
Our “vacation” was the morning we slipped down the Rock River in the kayak.
Locked and Loaded
Pre-Launch Countdown
My Equipment
Much of the harvesting is done and it’s time to party. The Harvest Celebration Open House is October 8th this year. I anticipate a house full of wise women sharing their stories, smiling and laughing. I have made so many new friends this year. Here is but one:
Meredith in Wonder

 Meredith came over to can with me and I noticed a newly hatched butterfly on the front porch who was struggling under a flat that contained milkweed pods. I lifted the flat and took the Black Swallowtail butterfly outside where we released it. We then got to watch the newly hatched fledgling dry its wings in preparation to fly away. Oh, the wonder of it!
Black Swallowtail
A Beauty!

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