Sunday, January 5, 2014

Making Laundry Soap

2004 Oops!

The internet is rife with recipes for homemade laundry soap. Yesterday, a friend and I embarked upon that adventure. It was so darn easy and so darn cheap. We asked ourselves what took us so long?

The snow was flying as the Fels-Naptha bar was grated and put in a few cups of water to melt on the stove at low heat. After about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, the half cup each of Borateem and Washing soda were added. When it was well blended, the mixture was poured into a bucket with 2 gallons of hot water. Then we poured it into our saved plastic containers to 1/3 full.
Finished Product

The mixture was gelled this morning, so all we have to do is add water until the jug is 2/3 full and shake. I’m doing my first load as we speak. It smells wonderful. We figure we each have enough soap to do laundry for about six months at half cup a load. The supplies cost about three dollars!

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