Sunday, January 18, 2015

Soapy Trials and Tribulations

First attempt at Bath Fizzy Cupcakes
This has been an exciting week in the soap kitchen. Or should I call it a laboratory. Two of these runs could be considered borderline failures. I refuse to view it that way, as I am on a steep learning curve.
Lavender Castile
 I had a false trace on 2lbs of olive oil soap and had to put the whole batch in the crock pot. That's okay, as the re-batch came out a perfect pale lavender color and since the lavender essential oil was added after the batter cooled, the scent will last a long time. That's the advantage of a hot process soap.
100% Olive Oil Castile
 Anyway, I re-made the Castile and this time beat the hell out of it. I also made the moon embeds for the forthcoming "Moonstruck" soap. I made 4lbs this second time, as the cure time is a minimum of four months and I imagine by then I'll be sold out of what's on hand.Note: Video of making this posted on my You Tube Channel.

Scrap Soap
I also made a 1lb hot process soap to which I added accumulated curls and trimming from a variety of soaps. I've never mixed new soap batter when hand milling cold process scraps and was happy with the results. I re-scented it with essential oils of lemongrass, cedarwood and patchouli. It smells terrific and is a pretty green.
Naked Bath Fizzies
 Next I made bath fizzy cupcakes, experimenting with colors and technique. I have made bath truffles before, but that is a totally different recipe. This recipe causes an all natural explosion of color and scent when you throw it in the tub.
The Purple is lavender essential oil; the others rose geranium
Many bath cupcakes use a sugar frosting like food, but I wanted a soap frosting, so researched until I found one on the internet. My cupcakes are very far from perfect; my friends and I will test their functionality.

Simple ingredients
I bought the wrong "coupler," so just stuck the tip in. It worked fine.
I have never, ever so much as touched a piping bag, so these little guys are a bit on the funky side. I don't know that I'll ever be good enough at cupcakes to sell them, but it's fun trying!
Last but not least, I made valentine soap.One mini FREE for anyone who orders by Valentine's Day; comes with a little gift tag. NOT pictured on

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