Friday, June 7, 2013

Be Vigilant and Fight Dirty

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck? The answer is “none,” but he sure can chuck up your veggies. Ever since we’ve lived here, we’ve had an ongoing war with the furry creatures. Our philosophy has always been to share of the abundance from the Garden of Nemesis with human and animal friends. However, when one of our buddies gets greedy to the detriment of the rest of us, we must put a stop to it.

My garden journal records various methods that failed. It seems an armed guard on 24-hour duty is the only foolproof method. The problem is this: one raid from this voracious eater can devastate plants to the point they will not recover. We’ve noticed that late May and early June are the most vulnerable time and groundhogs prefer late afternoon attacks. These guys sleep all winter and eat all summer in preparation. 

I suppose you were hoping for a surefire answer to the woodchuck problem. Forget it. Take it from a veteran of this war; it’s best to be vigilant and fight dirty.


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