Sunday, June 23, 2013

Game of Chance in the Supermarket Casino

Well, now that you’ve experienced the darker side of this writer, a possible future and tincture of wormwood, let’s examine for a moment, the nature of plants.

There’s real plants and what I call fake plants. Sure, they’re all alive, but some more than others. A lot like people. The scripture quote, “You’ll know them by their fruits,” is apropos. Can you tell the difference between a fruit that’s grown on a real plant as opposed to one grown on a fake plant? Have you ever bought a fruit or a vegetable in the supermarket that looks yummy only to get it home and discover it’s but a shadow of the real thing? Out taste buds don’t lie. What happens when we ingest shadows? The best we can hope for is that it doesn’t poison us or alter our DNA.

A huge and ongoing experiment on the human species is taking place right now, and we are the so-called guinea pigs.  It’s no secret that our food is and has been soaked in various chemicals to kill weeds and insects in order to increase profits for corporations large and small. These chemicals have killed not only “bad bugs” and “weeds,” but honeybees and herbs that were formerly used in natural medicines. That’s not the worst of it. Genetically altered foods are being tested on us as I write these words.

When one reads the “ingredients” label on a product there are many omissions. The label will not tell you the soil on which the plants were grown is depleted or if artificial fertilizer such as anhydrous ammonia was added to increase yields. It will not tell you if the crop has had DNA from animals, yes animals, added. Most of us weren’t in that foreign country that grew those “organic” lemons to witness if they are actually free of herbicides and pesticides. It’s a game of Russian roulette and none of us know if the next pull on the trigger will bring the hammer down a loaded chamber.

Some think politics and lobbying will help and they’re out there right now fighting for truth and justice and the American way. Others turn a blind eye and hope for the best for themselves and their families. Then you have the true rebels, those who seek independence from the just-in-time-chemical-laden-genetically-modified game of chance.

Did you know that in three days of no truck deliveries, the supermarket shelves would be bare? The days when grocery stores had backrooms filled with goods are over. Our society depends upon others to deliver our food. What if the truckers go on strike? What if willing drivers can’t get fuel for their rigs? What if a natural or manmade disaster cuts off the supply? Fast forward just one week and imagine the scenario.

The point I’m trying to make is this: what is wrong with the concept of putting our entire survival into the hands of others? Well, you may say, I do it all the time. I trust all of the big corporations including the government, the pharmaceutical business and the medical industry. Well then, I salute your confidence and faith but admit I have none of it. I opt to be as independent as I possibly can.

Nothing in this life is for sure and we gamble every day. We ride in cars and board airplanes. We send our children out to play. But when we know there is a pedophile living next door and the plane has a broken engine and the car has no brakes, we do not deliberately put ourselves in harms way. The evidence is there to be very suspicious of the Supermarket Casino. Buyer beware.


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