Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I want to go outside and play in the garden, but the cold and rain continue. I’m happy the drought is over, my new transplants have “taken” and seeds have germinated, but I’m getting cabin fever. We had two days of glorious weather earlier in the week that I mostly spent conducting business that couldn’t wait. The moment I escaped the square buildings and set foot in the garden, the skies opened up.

I’ve been known to garden in slicker and Wellingtons, but I really hate the cold. If we make it to 70 degrees these days, it’s a miracle. I guess I’ll have to trudge up to the attic for a cleaning and purging session. Where does all that junk come from? I really make an effort to either give away or toss the excess, but it still builds up.

My mother saved broken things, which used to drive me crazy. She knew she hoarded, but couldn’t help herself. When she knew she was dying from terminal cancer, she invited me into her closets, drawers and medicine cabinet. Given the circumstances, I bit my tongue as I tossed out old coffee makers and ten-year-old prescriptions. I’m more like her than I care to admit!

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