Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Garden Sitting With a Friend

Truly, every visitor to the Garden of Nemesis is a friend. Some are just dearer to my heart than others. What can be better than to sit in the shade listening to the water with a cold drink and inspiring conversation? The traffic out front fades away, along with worries and troubles.

In the summer, women used to sit in the garden and snap the beans and hull the strawberries, letting the breeze lift their hair before moving back to the hot kitchen. They planted, hoed and harvested in a community effort to better feed their families. A visit to a neighbor was a little vacation from their own territory and an extra set of hands was always welcome. Some brought their own jars and took them home full.

What did these women talk about? Husbands and children and grandchildren and kitchen curtains and the best way to “put up” produce and the upcoming barn dance. There were no cell phones ringing or jets overhead. The sky was blue and the air was fresh and the conversation stimulating.

Well, those days may be gone, but we women can still connect if we take the time. Everyone thought that time would be more plentiful if we had automatic dishwashers and store-bought produce, but we were wrong. It’s difficult to find those few minutes to sit with a friend, but the rewards are amazing.  

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